Monday, June 06, 2005

Better than Snood

I spent the most productive hours of my college years sitting in front my computer playing Snood. If you're unfamiliar with it, Snood is a cross between Space Invaders and Tetris -- only more addictive. I'd sit there for hours on end, up way later than I should have been, playing this mindless little game. Given the fact that my GPA missed high honors by only a few hundredths of a percentage point, I can single handedly blame Snood on my mediocre success in career and family and for my poor personal hygeine.

Its been years since I've played Snood. I thought I'd grown beyond such petty addictions. Until I stumbled upon a new vice. Internet Poker.

Unlike Snood, or computer solitaire, internet poker involves other presumably live human beings sitting alone in front their computers all around the world. And for the past week, I've been completely hooked. I've played hundreds of hands of Texas Hold'em Poker and turned $1,000 in play money into $120,000 (still in play money).

It's easy to multitask, tracking the rounds of betting while watching Baseball Tonight or having a conversation with the spouse. But there's also the small box at the bottom of the poker table where you can chat with your competitors.

I've never been into Instant Messaging, so I've had a bit of lingo and shorthand to learn. I felt silly asking, "What's 'lol'?" Or trying to figure out how to make funny faces like >:P

But in addition to my improved poker skills, I feel I've truly shined in an entirely realm: The realm of trash talk.

This trash talk is as important to the game as the cards you get. Getting under a guy's skin by making fun of his sccreen name, where he's from or simply egging him on to bet seems to be quite effective in getting great results. Plus, you're completely anonymous and can say whatever you want. It's a great feeling. When was the last time you actually offered someone "a cool refreshing glass of shut the fuck up?" There's nothing like coming home after a long day and razzing someone for half an hour because his nickname is "SyracuseStu." It's truly liberating.

Well, no more time to blog tonight. I'm off to another poker table to talk a bit more smack and make some more fake money.

HF and GL, u DC!

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