Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Review: Revenge of the Sith

See it. It's really, really good. Not like Episodes I and II that were total crap and had hardly anything to do with the original trilogy. This one is the bomb. Even though you know what happens at the end, it's still very suspenseful. Seeing Darth Vader put on the helmet for the first time (and take his first infamous breath) is worth the 28-year wait. Too bad his final line almost ruins the entire film.

However, the very last line of dialogue is saved for Anthony Daniels (C-3PO) who also has the first line in the original Star Wars. The whole film is filled with nice touches like that.

Now that the film cycle is complete, is childhood over for an entire generation of X's and Y's? Do we now all put our Star Wars figures and matching sheets on Ebay and move on?

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